News & Info


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News & Info > News

Tree Topped Parliamentary Pyramid

The masterplan for a new National Assembly Building in Burkino Faso has been released detailing a range of public spaces for the locals to come together and continue the country's tradition of gathering beneath the trees to discuss community concerns.

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Exemplary Projects

|Outdoor Design Industry News & Articles

News & Info > Exemplary Projects

Life Floor

Cushioning falls to ensure safer water play since 2011.

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News & Info > Interviews

Linda Corkery, AILA National President

ODS speaks with Linda Corkery, AILA National President, about the role of AILA and the Landscape Architect in shaping our built environment, now and into the future.

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|Outdoor Design Industry News & Articles

News & Info > Events

2020 Parks and Leisure Australia National Virtual Conference [Expired]

More than ever, the need to connect and share industry ideas has never been more important.

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