Hydraulic Consultants Association Australasia Ltd (HCAA)

Association Profile
The Hydraulic Consultants Association Australasia Ltd (HCAA) serves as an international professional forum that facilitates the exchange of ideas, experiences and solutions in the hydraulic and fire services design Industry.
- HCAA acts to resolve problems affecting the profession and practice of hydraulic and fire protection services as a whole.
How HCAA can help you
The HCAA is committed to assisting its members by promoting and developing their consulting businesses, expanding their individual careers and raising the industry profile nationally and abroad. Working closely with industry bodies and international universities, HCAA believes in sharing its research for the betterment of the industry.
Membership Benefits
As an HCAA member, you become an influential participant in the creation of national standards.
HCAA members are engaged in the design, specification and inspection of hydraulic and fire protection systems such as:
- Hot and cold water plumbing
- Sanitary and trade waste drainage
- Stormwater drainage
- Fire services
- Gas services
Through its inclusion on regulatory panels, the HCAA endeavours to keep all members up-to-date on industry developments. Members gain extraordinary access to a number of industry leaders and future employment opportunities.
The HCAA aims to enhance members' profiles and provides insight into the latest innovations the industry has to offer.
HCAA's Voice is Your Voice
HCAA continually strives to provide a professional and representative voice on issues of significance in the growing industry. The Association offers a range of opportunities to members, addressing 'hot' topics of interest through industry news items, and hydraulic engineering and fire protection events.
HCAA Exists in The Real World
Throughout the year, HCAA organises technical events covering various subjects including water, drainage, energy, sustainability and updates on new legislation.
These events aim to contribute to professional development (CPD) and often stimulate debate among members and other professionals in the hydraulics and building sector.
A Clear Distinction
The HCAA is a not-for-profit organisation and does not mandate the receipt of income from endorsing materials or products from affiliate members.
HCAA's focus is to celebrate the combined efforts of industry, authorities and professionals to provide sustainable engineered outcomes for the association.
See What It’s All About
Sign up to receive an invitation to HCAA's next technical forum, where the association will:
- Discuss projects that use elements of new or cutting-edge engineering innovations
- Go beyond current design practice to challenge industry “rule of thumb” guidelines
- Open up technical debate to gain genuine industry insights and constructive feedback
Contact & Information
PO Box 583
North Sydney NSW 2059
P 1300 797 101
E hcaa@hcaa.org.au
W hcaa.org.au