Green Roofs Australasia (GRA)

About Us
When we refer to GREEN we mean PLANTS!
Green Roofs Australasia (GRAus) was formed in 2007 as the peak body national association to promote the technology, associated services, trades and suppliers of landscaping for buildings (plants on buildings, living architecture, Ecotecture).
In 2023, GRAus has expanded its promotional activities and information to include Green Infrastructure, which encompasses all
urban landscaping technologies, products, trades and associated suppliers in Australia and New Zealand.
- We ADVOCATE for more urban landscaping.
- We PROMOTE the trades and suppliers that can deliver on green urban landscapes and buildings.
Vision Statement
The expansion of urban landscapes.
GRaus Promote Industry Members
- Design and construction professionals (architects, engineers, landscape architects and designers)
- Landscape trades (horticulturalists, landscapers, growers)
- Building trades (irrigation, waterproofers, builders)
- Gardening suppliers (soil suppliers, plant nurseries, plant growers)
- Product suppliers (drainage, geofabrics, green roof/wall systems, irrigation, waterproof membranes)
- Green roof/wall installers and maintenance workers
Membership Benefits
- Project upload facility with images and details
- Business directory listing and promotion
- Full library, research data and image gallery access
- Blogging and social media access
- Conference discounts and industry networking
Membership Fees
- Free membership with limited benefits and access
- Student Membership $33 pa
- Individual Membership $55 pa
- Sole Trader Membership $77 pa
- Small Business Membership (<10 staff) $220 pa
- Business Membership (>10 staff) $440 pa
- University/Institution/Corporate/Local Council Membership $440 pa
- Capital City Council/State Government Membership $1000 pa
GRAus Sponsorship
Green Sponsorship $8000 pa
Diamond Sponsorship $4000 pa
Gold Sponsorship $2800 pa
Silver Sponsorship $1800 pa
Contact & Information
Office Admin |
Matthew Dillon, President |
Follow GRAus on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Blog #greenroofsaus