01 Feb 2022
Chinatown in Broome WA has undergone a $30 million revitalisation, enhancing the vibrancy of the historic precinct.

The expansive upgrade of Chintown in Broome included bespoke lighting from specialist Multipole, designed in conjunction with Engineering Technology Consultants (ETC), to enhance public safety and open the area up to night-time community events.
Multipole supplied square-style aluminium bespoke poles, which specified to withstand the harsh coastal conditions as well as enhance the appeal of the revitalised precinct. The engineered sealing system between the mast and the base of the pole and the thicker wall specification result in the poles being rated for cyclonic zones.
The hatches in the base were engineered to meet an IP66 rating, to ensure the electronic componentry inside remained protected from water ingress due to severe storms that can occur in the area.
The future-proofed designed poles are capable of supporting today’s smart city requirements and future capabilities delivering a return on investment for many decades to come.
Multipole™ is a multi-function column system that delivers a platform to house and support today’s digital infrastructure growth in the streetscapes of urban city centres. As a city develops, information technology is now the principal infrastructure needed to be placed on the streets. As such, the company has carefully designed and developed many accessories that can be fitted to the Multipole™ to achieve personalised smart city streetscapes.
Multipole™ is a product by Goldspar Australia, who design and manufacture a range of park light poles, tapered poles, sporting goal posts, flag poles, banner poles, sailing products, and more.
To find out more visit Multipole via the links below.