19 Apr 2017
CAD is excited to supply a new design program available to the industry that will have users wowing their audiences in pitches, consultations and design meetings. Watch the demonstration video here.

As creative beings, we’ve been presenting our thoughts and designs that would otherwise lay trapped in our minds-eye by painting on cave walls, making marks in the sand, putting brush strokes on canvas and in recent times rendering in the latest CAD software. It is only now that we can truly take our audience on a convincing and compelling journey that feels like we’re already there, in the landscape.

Breathe life into your designs with sophisticated simplicity using the newest landscape presentation software, built on the very latest in computer games technology - Lumion3D combines the fun of 3D game-play with sophisticated artistic rendering to give you a design presentation environment like no other.
Continue to model your hardscapes using your current CAD tools like LANDWorksCAD, SketchUp, ArchiCAD, Revit, AutoCAD, Vectorworks and RealCAD, then import to Lumion where you drag and drop elements such as plants, people, cars, materials, lighting, atmospheric and animation effects and watch as your 3D world is transformed live in front of you. Revit users can even link their 3D models directly to Lumion so changes in the 3D model updates live in Lumion.
Massage your landscape to create hills, valleys, rocky outcrops, ponds, rivers and even oceans, then with little or no training create amazing 3D artistic rendering, 360 degree online interactive images and 3D fly through movies so you can share, sell and inspire your audience.
Lumion allows you to spend more time improving your designs and interacting with your clients, and less time preparing and waiting for renders and Lumion is rarely affected by the size of your model. You can edit large areas and add literally tens of thousands of trees, plants or buildings. Lumion currently is the only software in the world which allows you to effortlessly edit and render such large areas. Whole towns can be visualized in Lumion!
Lumion is fast becoming a ‘must have’ tool for modern Landscape Architects to remain competitive. Watch the Lumion3D release video to see how powerful the program is.
Lumion is represented in Australia by the nation’s largest and most respected Landscape software company, CAD International. Creators of LANDWorksCAD, ArborCAD and RealCAD.
For more information on their product, visit the CAD website or