02 Sep 2015
BENEDICT Recycling is a leading specialist in resource recovery for the waste industry, ensuring a sustainable future with dedicated facilities across a range of waste streams.

BENEDICT Recycling facilities are dedicated to increasing resource recovery across a range of waste streams, including construction and demolition waste, commercial and industrial waste and industrial residues and household non- putrescible waste, currently going to landfill.
Benefits of Resource Recovery
According to Government data, it aimed to reach the target of recycling 63% from the commercial and industrial waste stream by 2014. This is an increase of 21% from the recycling rates of 44% and 42% for commercial and industrial waste in 2008 in NSW and the Sydney Metropolitan area respectively.
Although Sydney recycled 1.5 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste that year, about 2 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste, including wood, food, plastics, paper and cardboard, still ended up in landfills. In total, NSW recycled 2.3 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste the same year, and nearly 3 million tonnes went to landfills.
Historically, the main reason for this low commercial and industrial recycling rate is due to the wide and disparate range of materials and sizes that it contains and the difficulty in sorting it out. Our recycling centres at Belrose, Banksmeadow and Chipping Norton overcome these difficulties and are able to accept a wide range of waste materials for processing.
Large components of construction and demolition waste are recoverable materials and are more easily processed into a product for reuse by consumers. This includes but not limited to recycled aggregates and roadbases.
BENEDICT Recycling process
At BENEDICT Recycling, materials such as wood, metals, plastic, paper, sand, soil, and rubble are separated with a collection of sophisticated sorting equipment coupled with manual picking. These materials are all reprocessed for use as recycled substitutes or returned to industry for reuse.
Our recycling sites are turning Sydney’s waste into valuable resources for the benefit of the environment, company and its employees, our local communities and the Australian economy and are looking to further expand and innovate more sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions in this space for a better future.
For further information please contact us 9986 3500 or please call the Recycling site directly:
BENEDICT Recycling Centre Belrose: 9450 2512
BENEDICT Recycling Centre Banksmeadow: 9316 6333
BENEDICT Recycling Centre Chipping Norton: 8761 0000