13 Oct 2015
Benedict offers a large range of sand/soil organic blends, and has the ability to manufacture speciality blends for any given landscape or civic project.

Benedict Sand & Gravel has an established range of quality assured materials to suit our customers’ needs - from straight washed sands, organic loamy sands, quarried 80/20, to our Turfloam topdressing blend. All our products are quality assured and available in large volumes.

Benedict’s is proud to highlight our innovative and environmentally friendly product, Turfloam. Turfloam is a high quality sustainable washed 80/20 blend utilising quality reclaimed sand and soil.
As the material is produced by washing the blend through a 2mm screen, Turfloam is 100% safe. It offers our customers a sustainable, environmentally friendly option that is cost effective in a competitive marketplace.
Turfloam has high conductivity and low clay/silt fraction. It is quality assured by the Sydney Environmental Soil Laboratories (SESL) and the Benedict Sands onsite laboratory in Menangle.
Recommended uses:
- Topdressing of ovals and amenity areas
- Construction of sports fields
- Turf underlay
- Garden bed sub-soil