Landscape Queensland Industries Assoc. Inc.

Association Profile
Landscape Queensland Industries Assoc. Inc. is the peak body that represents the interests of the state’s landscape and garden maintenance contractors and industry suppliers. We promote the use of Landscape Queensland members and the benefits of landscaping, including the positive effect it has on the liveability of our urban environments.
Member Benefits
As a membership-based organisation, Landscape Queensland supports members with a range of relevant services and benefits. We provide opportunities for professional development and networking, while encouraging best practice in landscaping.
With a focus on upskilling and addressing industry skill gaps and shortages, Landscape Queensland is heavily involved in promoting career and training pathways. We engage with career seekers to promote careers in landscaping while consulting with the industry to identify and address its skill needs into the future.
Excellence Awards
The Landscape Queensland Construction Excellence Awards program showcases the diverse nature of the industry and recognises the high-quality work that is undertaken in this state.
Industry suppliers have the opportunity to partner with Landscape Queensland through sponsorship and advertising, engaging with the industry and assisting them to develop and maintain relationships with all segments of the landscape industry in Queensland.
Contact & Information
Landscape Queensland Industries Assoc. Inc.