The nautical themed Halvorsen Park in Ermington features a range of sea-faring inspired activities for children of all ages. The park was designed with a nautical theme to tie in with the areas boat building and Australian naval history.

Surface Designs was challenged with the supply of 361m² of RosehillTPV® Rubber Wetpour in 11 different colours.

The Halvorsen Park playground has a range of nature and naval based played elements, including:

  • logs and sandstone blocks to walk and climb on
  • swings
  • slides
  • rope towers
  • a sandstone boat
  • wooden bridge with ship rope
  • a submarine themed play gym complete with sail and periscope
  • twirling twister

Recently, park designer Fiona Robbe from Architects of Arcadia, was awarded the 2017 Parks and Leisure Australia PLAYSPACE Award (under $0.5M), in recognition of the outstanding finish project.