by Replas

A purpose built viewing platform perched on the cliff edge of Skipjack Point, 850 km north of Perth, WA, is proving to be a truly environmental experience.

Not only does the platform offer spectacular views of Cape Peron coastline and its wildlife, but it is also made from recycled plastic that would have otherwise gone to landfill yet is perfectly suited to life in this harsh environment.

Chris McMonagle, Senior Range, Shark Bay District, said Enduroplank decking was chosen because it offers “long life, easy to work with. Looks good too” adding that “it’s the only real ‘hardcore’ boardwalk material available.”

Although the location presented some issues, Chris said installation was “pretty straightforward” and the response from the public has since been ‘Excellent’.

The platform is linked to 300 metres of boardwalk and will soon be further extended to reach the carpark.

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