A campaign that I strongly support is the Nursery & Garden Industry’s More Trees Please. Designed to illustrate the value of trees in urban communities, the campaign forms part of the ‘Improve Your Plant Life Balance’ campaign also run by the Nursery & Garden Industry.

Research shows the positive benefits trees have on our health and wellbeing, but in addition to that, trees also have an economic value as well. Everywhere you look, cities are being filled with concrete – we’re losing our connection to nature and impacting our health at the same time. I call on all landscapers, garden designers, landscape architects and parks managers to adopt the ‘more trees please’ slogan and help in ‘greening’ our urban cities.

When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you’re usually told to take a walk, get some fresh air – why? Because the great outdoors is good for us. Taking a walk in the park, sitting under a tree and connecting with nature is good for our health and this is just one of the many reasons why we need more trees.

An integral part of the More Trees Please campaign is a new software tool called iTree which will be heavily promoted in 2012. It’s the most comprehensive software developed to date to quantify the economic and physical benefits of the urban forest.

So for your next commercial project remember the slogan ‘more trees please’ and call on one of the numerous nurseries available to assist you in greening your landscape. Whether it’s a large commercial project or a small residential design, everyone should adopt the slogan ‘more trees please’ in 2012.

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